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The Analysis of Functions
Peter D. Taylor
From the foreword by Andrew
M. Gleason, Hollis Professor of Mathematicks
and Natural Philosophy, Harvard
Taylor…has designed a calculus course that emphasizes the concepts of
calculus far more than the symbolic manipulations. Instructors who want
to adopt an interactive teaching style will find this book with its
marvelous collection of problems extremely helpful, and their students
will learn to think more about the concepts of calculus."
1. The World: A
Graphical Tour
2. The Derivative
3. Curves and Lines:
Shape and Interaction
4. Exponential and
5. Optimization
6. Integration
7. Probability
Answers to Selected
ISBN 0-921332-38-6, Hardcover, $52.50 (Cdn), $43.75
ISBN 0-921332-37-8, Paperback, $39.95 (Cdn), $33.95
496 pages
Published in 1992.
Also Available:
Students' Solution
Manual for Calculus:
The Analysis of Functions
by Sumit Oberai,
Michael Roth, Peter D. Taylor
Worked solutions to
about half of the problems in the text.
ISBN 0-921332-40-8,
Paperback, 118 pages.
Published in 1993.
$12.95 (Cdn), $9.95 (US)
Resource Book and Solutions Manual for Calculus:
The Analysis of Functions
by Sumit Oberai,
Michael Roth, Peter D. Taylor
Worked solutions to
all problems in the text, plus overhead masters and sample exams.
Available to instructors who have adopted the text.
ISBN 0-921332-41-6,
Paperback, 362 pages.
Published in 1993.
$39.95 (Cdn), $29.50 (US)
Peter Taylor is Professor of Mathematics
and Biology at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario.
He graduated from Queen's in 1964, and received his Ph.D. in mathematics
at Harvard University in 1969, His research interests centre around
genetic models of animal behaviour,
particularly questions of the allocation of resources between male and
female offspring, the dispersal patterns of offspring, and the
evolutionary advantages fof altruistic behaviour.
He has chaired the Education Committee of the Canadian mathematics
Society and has served as Governor for Canada of the Mathematical
Association of America. He has taught at the high school level and has
been running enrichment sessions for high school students and teachers at
Queen's University for over 20 years. In 1992, he received the first
Distinguished Teaching Award of the Mathematical Association of America,
Seaway Section.
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