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With an Epilogue on Pi in the Sky
Stillman Drake
Before Isaac Newton
could articulate a law of gravity that would make a unified physics of
heaven and earth possible, a precise mathematical description of the
motion of falling bodies had to be discovered and demonstrated. This work
was completed by Galileo a few years before Newton was born, and demonstrated in
him monumental Two New Sciences. But the times-squared law that Galileo
announced could have been discovered centuries before by any careful
observer of the motion of heavy bodies. How it is that this rather simple
and elegant numerical description of the motion of falling bodies evaded
all the best minds from the time of Aristotle to Galileo's contemporaries
is the subject of Stillman Drake's short
monograph. Drake shows how both philosophical and mathematical
considerations led centuries of natural philosophers away from careful
observations and the correct formulation. This is a monograph that will
be cited by historians of science for years to come.
ISBN 0-921332-26-2
Paperback, 106 pages
Published in 1989.
$19.50 (Cdn), $16.50 (US)
The late Stillman Drake was Professor of the
History of Science at the University
of Toronto and the
recognized world authority on the life and work of Galileo. He was
awarded the 1988 Sarton Medal of the History of
Science Society.
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